about us

Starting from the coffee factory that is established in 1999 by Erdi Sunardi together with his younger brother, Lim Tan Ais. The concept of “Tour Coffee Making Class” that share the knowledge of Bali Coffee with tourists including of sorting the green bean, roasting, until serving the coffee to the tourists. They hope by using that concept, tourists will know more about Indonesia coffee.
The next business expansion of Kopindo Group is to accommodate the other needs of tourists. We establish Villa, Restaurants, Spa and Massage as well as Retail shop in order to support Bali Tourism sector.
Vision :
Support and improve tourism in Bali
Mission :
To provide the best service for the tourists in Bali
To create more job opportunities and participate on Government’s program of developing Indonesia in every sector possible especially in Bali.
To improve, share and promote Balinese culture to worldwide.
這樣的理念得到了遊客良好的反饋,口耳相傳造就了咖啡觀光工廠成了旅遊社安排遊客必訪的景點,咖啡觀光工廠的成功讓陳氏兄弟針對峇厘島旅遊業的需求多年來持續不間斷地投資開設多家大型餐廳、別墅群、水療館、拉爾夫·勞倫 馬球名品專賣店,以及印尼唯一的一間開放給遊客參觀的燕窩觀光工廠及其所附設的百貨土特產商場。

Erdi Sunardi 陳福川先生
Is the Co-founder as well as President Director of Kopindo Jaya Group. He is the oldest son of 6 siblings. In the year of 1997, he decided to move from Batam to Bali to become Tour Guide for Taiwan tourists. However, in the year of 1999, he discovered that tourists are quiet interested to Balinese Coffee and decided to establish a coffee factory branded Golden Rabbits Coffee.
陳福川先生是 KOPINDO 集團的創始人和董事長。他是長子的六個兄弟姐妹。1997年,陳先生來到峇里島開始了職業導遊的生涯。從當導遊的經驗,他看到了咖啡的價值在巴厘島旅遊業的機會。在1999年創立了巴厘島金兔咖啡品牌。
Lim Tanais 陳福盛先生
Is Mr Erdi Sunardi’s younger brother. He is also a Tour Guide for Taiwan tourists back then in 1995. Together with Mr Erdi Sunardi, both of them decided to set up coffee factory in Bali. With dedication and hard work, both of them have succeeded to promote Balinese coffee to tourists all over the world.